Essex Regional Educational Services Commission (ERESC) was established in 1979 to provide mandated educational programs and administrative services in a cost effective and efficient manner. ERESC is a public, non-profit agency that derives its authority pursuant to 18A:6-51 et. seq. ERESC is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a representative elected by the Board of Education from ten (10) of its constituent member school districts.
ERESC operates three special education and alternative schools: Essex Junior Academy, Essex Campus Academy and Essex High School. In addition, the ERESC operates an educational program at the Essex County youth detention center. Sojourn High School and serves students through grades 7th and 12th.
Originally, the purpose of the ERESC was established to provide state mandated nonpublic school services which now includes Chapters 192/193, Chapter 226 Nonpublic Nursing, Child Study Team Services and IDEA-B. The ERESC expanded services for the school districts to include Coordinated Transportation, Paraprofessional Services, Public School Home Instruction, Public School Child Study Team Services, Migrant Education, Homeless Education, Cooperative Purchasing, Extended Day/Year, Summer School/Credit Recovery, Related Services such as Occupational and Physical Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA), Adult Education Test for State Issued High School Diploma (GED) and Technology.
Essex Regional Educational Services Commission is committed to assisting school districts in providing quality services which will meet the needs of their students. To this end, new programs and services are continually developed in response to district requests.