
Guide to Building Parental Support as a Teacher

Being a teacher is no small job. Teachers have a lot of responsibility for shaping the future of students. This is a job that can only be done with the help of parents at home. With parental support, teachers will be able to help students beyond the classroom. Encouraging parental support as a teacher can prove to be a difficult task. This article will discuss ways to help encourage parents to be more involved in their student's education. Reach out to parents in a way that works for them

With the advancement of technology, there are multiple ways to get in contact with parents. Only some people can answer the phone, and the mail takes too long to be dependable. Try reaching out to parents through email, text message, or even an app approved by your school district. By doing this, parents are more likely to receive communication and respond.

Consider the positives

It is all too often that parents hear from the teacher about a student that is acting out in class. How often does the straight-A student get a call home to celebrate their success? Sharing positive moments a student has in the classroom will make parents more likely to support and encourage the student to try their best. This also works to celebrate students that often get in trouble. It can serve as a way to reward good behavior rather than destructive. 

Invite Parents to school 

Back-to-school night is a night that many students love because they get to show their parents their classroom and all the hard work that they do. Why does this have to be limited to one night? Offer parents the opportunity to come on other occasions as well. Does your class need parent volunteers? Invite them to volunteer whenever they can. You could also have special nights in your classrooms for parents to come with their students and learn about their learning. This can also be an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about your students and their needs.

Share your personality

Parents will feel closer and be more inclined to be involved if they know you as a person. This is a perfect time to send out a letter with some details about yourself. This could be as creative as you like and make it more comfortable for conversations later in the school year. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Bringing humanity and individualism into the classroom can engage students and make families care about what you teach.

Make it easy for parents

It might mean more work for you as an educator, but making it easy for parents to participate increases the chances that the parents will be engaged. A customizable method of communication could be one way to accomplish this, but there are many other options. Being understanding and flexible with face-to-face meetings can also be helpful. 

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